Is 7 Foot Or 8 Foot Pool Table Better

  • By: Tim
  • Time to read: 5 min.

In the world of billiards, the debate rages on: is a 7-foot or 8-foot pool table better?

Picture yourself in a dimly lit room, the sound of clinking balls and friendly banter filling the air. As you prepare to take your shot, you can’t help but wonder which table size will offer the ultimate playing experience.

This article delves into the factors that must be considered, from space limitations to personal preference, to help you make an informed decision.

Space Considerations

If you’re short on space, a 7-foot pool table might be a better choice. A 7-foot table requires a room with dimensions of approximately 12 feet by 15 feet to allow for proper cue movement and easy access to all sides of the table. When considering the dimensions of the room, it is important to ensure that there is enough clearance around the table for comfortable play. Furniture placement is also a crucial factor to consider. The pool table should be positioned away from walls and other furniture to avoid any obstructions during gameplay. By carefully considering room dimensions and furniture placement, you can maximize the space available for a 7-foot pool table and create an enjoyable playing experience.

Playing Experience

For a more enjoyable game, you’ll likely have a better playing experience on the 8 foot table. The larger size of the table provides several advantages that contribute to improved gameplay.

  • Table size: The 8 foot table offers a larger surface area, allowing for more strategic shots and positioning of the balls. It provides a balanced playing field that allows players to showcase their skills and techniques.
  • Cue ball control: With more space to maneuver, players have better control over the cue ball. This enables them to execute precise shots and achieve desired results with ease.
  • Shot variety: The 8 foot table offers a wider range of shot options compared to the 7 foot table. Players can experiment with various angles, spins, and techniques, adding excitement and complexity to the game.
  • Improved accuracy: The larger dimensions of the 8 foot table enhance the accuracy of shots. Players have more room to line up their shots and adjust their aim, resulting in more successful shots and a higher level of play.
  • Professional experience: Many competitive tournaments and professional matches are played on 8 foot tables. By practicing on an 8 foot table, players can better prepare themselves for higher-level play and improve their overall skills.

Transition: Now that we have explored the benefits of an 8 foot table for a better playing experience, it’s essential to consider the cost implications of choosing the right table.


When considering your options, it’s important to keep in mind the financial aspect of choosing the right table. A 7-foot or 8-foot pool table can be a long-term investment, so it’s crucial to evaluate the costs involved.

Firstly, the initial purchase price should be considered. Generally, an 8-foot table tends to be more expensive than a 7-foot one. However, the long-term investment also includes maintenance costs. Larger tables may require more frequent re-felting and repair, which can add up over time. On the other hand, a smaller table might have lower maintenance costs.

Analyzing these factors will allow you to make an informed decision about which table size is the most cost-effective for your needs.

With the financial aspect covered, it’s time to explore the availability of both table sizes.


To find out which table size is more readily available, you should check with local retailers and online sellers.

When it comes to availability, the 7-foot pool table tends to be more common than the 8-foot table. This is primarily due to the fact that 7-foot tables are more popular among recreational players and are often used in bars and smaller gaming spaces. As a result, they are produced and stocked in larger quantities by manufacturers and retailers.

Additionally, the pricing comparison between the two sizes can also influence availability. The 7-foot table is generally more affordable than the 8-foot table, making it a popular choice for those looking for a budget-friendly option.

In terms of durability, both sizes can be equally sturdy depending on the quality of materials used. However, the larger playing surface of the 8-foot table may require more reinforcement to maintain its structural integrity.

Moving forward, personal preference and style will be important factors to consider when deciding between the two sizes.

Personal Preference and Style

Your personal style and preferences will play a key role in determining which size table is right for you. When it comes to aesthetics and design, the 7-foot pool table offers a more compact and sleek look, while the 8-foot table provides a larger and more traditional appearance. Skill level and competition also come into play. The 7-foot table is commonly used in bars and casual settings, making it ideal for beginners or recreational players. On the other hand, the 8-foot table is the standard size for professional tournaments and serious players. It offers a more challenging and realistic gameplay experience. Ultimately, the choice between a 7-foot or 8-foot pool table depends on your personal taste, skill level, and the level of competition you aspire to.

SizeAesthetics and DesignSkill Level and Competition
7-footCompact and sleekBeginners and recreational
8-footLarger and traditionalProfessional and serious

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I replace the cloth on a 7 or 8-foot pool table?

The frequency of pool table cloth replacement depends on usage, but generally, it is recommended to replace it every 2-3 years. When considering different pool table sizes, a 7-foot table offers better maneuverability while an 8-foot table provides a more challenging gameplay experience.

Are there any specific rules or regulations for playing on a 7 or 8-foot pool table?

Specific dimensions of a 7 or 8-foot pool table do not have specific rules or regulations. However, variations in gameplay may occur due to the size difference, affecting shot difficulty and positioning strategies.

Can I convert a 7 or 8-foot pool table into a dining table or another functional piece of furniture?

Converting a 7 or 8-foot pool table into a dining table or another functional piece of furniture can be a creative alternative. There are various options available, such as adding a tabletop or transforming it into a desk or game table.

Does the size of the pool table affect the difficulty level of the game?

The size of a pool table does impact the difficulty level of the game. Smaller tables, like 7-foot or 8-foot ones, offer less surface area for shots, making it more challenging to maneuver and position the balls accurately.

What are the most common maintenance issues faced by owners of 7 or 8-foot pool tables?

The most common repairs for 7 or 8-foot pool tables include leveling issues, worn out cushions, and loose pockets. To maintain the pool table cloth, owners should regularly brush, vacuum, and avoid spilling liquids on it.


In conclusion, when deciding between a 7 foot or 8 foot pool table, several factors need to be taken into account. Space considerations, playing experience, cost, availability, and personal preference all play a role in making the right choice.

While both sizes offer their own advantages, it ultimately boils down to the individual’s needs and preferences. It’s like choosing between two masterpieces; one may be grander in size, but the other may hold a certain charm that captures your heart.

Choose wisely and let the game begin.

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